The Croatian Comics History - Part 3., 1950. - 1972.


- 2nd generation – Authors: Bednjanec, Radilović, Dovniković, Beker, Delač…  The most important magazines: Kerempuh, Plavi vjesnik…

- Umph!  This years mentioned under each generation's list of authors are placed framely!  They represent periods during which the authors appeared or have formed their style.

- I hear thet Slavica broke up whith this little monkey.
- Slanvica…
- Juh!  You are so inconvenient!

- How does it go???  So, yes!  First I walk for a little while then I stop and narrate something wise.

- Marble, stone and iron will never be broken!

Likovi: Grga Protokol (I. Voljevica), Mendo (B. Dovniković), Jasna i Nina (I. Bednjanec), Tupko (N. Dragić), Štefek i glazbenik (O. Reisinger) i jedan moj.

Copyright by Damir Steinfl.


  1. O, Grgu smo čitali u Večernjaku! Hvala na što ste nam nakratko oživjeli uspomene, Damire.

  2. Bok Đuro,
    Hvala Vama što pratite sadržaj bloga!
    Žao mi je što niste komentirali prošli post.
    Nadam se da nije bio ispod Vaših očekivanja glede crtanih proizvoda objavljenih na blogu.
    Do čitanja!


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